Applying for: Senior Solution Architect – Full Remote - Salary in USD

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Terms of Service

In accordance with what is statedin the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on theprotection of personal data, we inform you that the data you provide willbe incorporated into the treatment system owned by All European Careers, S.L.with CIF ESB54805239 and registered office located in c/ Manuel Galiana Uriarte, nÂș5 Bajo C,Xixona (Alacant, Spain), as responsible for the treatment.
The data will be processed with thepurpose of look for the best job offer for the interested party.
The contact details of the DataProtection Delegate are
Your data will be kept for theperiod strictly necessary and will be deleted when a time has elapsed withoutmaking use of them. We will proceed to treat the data in a lawful, loyal, transparent,adequate, relevant, limited, accurate and updated manner.
Until you tell us otherwise, we understand that your data has not been modifiedand that you agree to notify us of any variation.
In accordance with the rightsconferred by the current regulations mayexercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of treatment,elimination, portability and opposition to the processing of their personaldata as well as revoke the given consent, directing your request to theindicated postal address or email and may contactthe competent Control Authority to present the claim it deems appropriate.
By signing this document yougive your express agreement for processing your data with regard to theabove mentioned purposes.

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